Morning Meeting is the first group activity we do everyday. Students greet, share and play games that bring our class closer together.
Students recite the rules at the beginning of each teaching period. A rule leader is chosen & recites the rules with big gestures.
Close reading is a three day routine. Student read non-fiction text.
Students participate independent work & flexible groupings during math time. Formative Loop, Calendar Math, Interactive Notebook and Xtramath are elements that students complete each day.
Students work in Daily 5 Stations. I meeting with groups of students using Jan Richardson Guided reading format.
Writer's Workshop consist of Mini Lesson, Writing Time and Sharing. Student work on narrative, opinion & informational writing. Student work at their own pace and choose their own topics with in the genre.
Student greet each other daily. We practice with ways, handshakes, and fist bumps. The students greet each other with first names and "Good Morning" . As student get more comfortable with greetings they can become more complex.
Student can share to a weekly or daily question. Students a are trained to listen and make appropriate comments or ask related questions. The Student who is sharing gets to sit on the special square. The student using the phrase, "I'm ready for questions and comments" Student us the "same" signal if they here something that reminds them of themselves.
An icebreaker style game that student participate in each day.
A friendly letter written to the students each day. There maybe a question that the students respond to on the board.
Teacher quickly shares any school news or announcements. Eager students may also share news at this time if time permits.
I do a 8-10 minute mini-lesson to introduce the concept of the day's lesson. We review the anchor chart and practice examples or the concept.
I use a interactive notebook from Blair Turner. It is organized by Common Core Standard. I complete an example and students work on their own pace to complete.
This 5 minute routine is completed daily. The creates a basic skill practice for each student. The exercise is graded and a new skill or a review skill is generated. A homework practice could also be generated. www.formativeloop.
My calendar math is based on a math meeting routine from Saxon Math. There is a daily pattern, temperature, clock, counting on, and money area. I have magnets and demonstration manipulatives for each of the areas. Students complete the task on dry erase boards & snap a picture with SeeSaw App.
A web-based fact practice. Xtra-math provides practice in basic addition and subtraction facts. Students a shown a graph and can track their improvement.
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